IDWise Smart Onboarding iOS SDK for React-Native

Table of contents
  1. IDWise Smart Onboarding iOS SDK for React-Native
    1. Not Already a Customer?
    2. Xcode Supported Version
    3. Requirements
    4. Installation
      1. Without cocoapods-user-defined-build-types Plugin
      2. With cocoapods-user-defined-build-types Plugin
      3. Linking
    5. React-Native Usage
      1. Initializing the SDK
      2. Starting the Journey
      3. Events (Callbacks)
    6. Sample Project

This git repository contains the official IDWiseSDK meant to be used in React-Native applications. This README contains all the needed information to test and integrate the IDWiseSDK in your React-Native project.

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Xcode Supported Version

IDWise SDK always supports latest Xcode version only. The current latest release of IDWise SDK (IDWise 3.9.2) supports below Xcode version.



The minimum deployment target for IDWiseSDK is iOS 12.0. In order to use the SDK your application minimum deployment target should be iOS 12.0 or higher. On your development machine you need to have XCode and CocoaPods installed. Both Intel and M1 (Apple Sillicon) based machines are supported. When working with Cocoapods you might have to run some commands through Rosetta Stone compatibility mode.


IDWiseSDK is available to install via CocoaPods package manager from IDWise private Cocoapods repository. IDWise is a dynamic framework and requires the podfile to use use_frameworks! directive to be used so dynamic pods/frameworks can install and run successfully.

React Native’s native iOS dependencies are compiled as static libraries and many react-native node modules are only ever compiled and tested as static libraries. When trying to incorporate a dynamic framework (which Swift dependencies are often bundled as), compilation problems often ensue.

As aforementioned, Cocoapods builds pods by default as static libraries. To use a framework like this we normally use the use_frameworks! Cocoapods directive at the top of our Podfile. However, this causes ALL pods to be compiled as dynamic frameworks. Not only will some React Native pods fail, but a large number of 3rd party React Native libraries will as well.

If you can find a way where you can use use_frameworks! directive and still able to install IDWise pod and other React Native native iOS dependecies (Flipper, Folly, YogaKit etc) and successfully run the react native project then It’s fine. Otherwise, the workaround is to use a plugin over cocoapods which can dynamically install specific libraries as static or dynamic during pod installation process.

You can use this plugin to install pods which enables us to dictate the specific build type of a pod ( dynamic in our case ). You can go through the README section of this plugin as well. We can easily install this plugin by typing this command in our terminal gem install cocoapods-user-defined-build-types. It will install this plugin over our cocoapods. You can use our sample project’s podfile in which we used this plugin for IDWise pod’s dynamic installation.

Without cocoapods-user-defined-build-types Plugin

To add IDWise SDK to your project, first ensure you have these two lines at the top of your Podfile file:

source ''
source ''

In this case, you should use use_frameworks! directive in your podfile.

This adds IDWise private Cocoapods repository as a source to install packages from

Next add this line also to your Podfile but this time underneath your target node for your project:

pod 'IDWise'

Also, add this configuration underneath your target node for your project:

  post_install do |installer|
    installer.pods_project.build_configurations.each do |config|
      config.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED'] = 'NO'
      config.build_settings["EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]"] = "arm64"


After adding our dependency in your Podfile run:

pod install

With cocoapods-user-defined-build-types Plugin

To add IDWise SDK to your project, first ensure you have these two lines at the top of your Podfile file:

source ''
source ''
plugin 'cocoapods-user-defined-build-types', {
  verbose: true

This adds IDWise private Cocoapods repository as a source to install packages from

Next add this line also to your Podfile but this time underneath your target node for your project:

 pod 'IDWise', :build_type => :dynamic_framework

You can have a look at the example Podfile provided in the ios folder of this repository to see an example Podfile with both the changes above completed

After adding our dependency in your Podfile run:

pod install


In order to Link the React Code with iOS, we need to create a swift class with objective-c bridging, let’s call it IDWiseModule. You can find the sample [IDWiseModule.swift] ( for sample code.This class will act as a bridge between swift and react native, because react native’s ios bridging code is written in objectve-c so we have to mark our swift class with @objc annotation.

We also need to create a header (.h) and an implementation file (.m) for our swift class with same name as our swift class. In header file, we do some native module imports and in implementation file we export our swift class and It’s method’s as module and method’s respectively. You can find the sample of both of these files [IDWiseModule.h,IDWiseModule.h] at ( and ( respectively.

React-Native Usage

Invoking IDWise SDK is very simple. First reterieve IDWiseModule from NativeModules in your .js file from where you want to invoke IDWise SDK:

const { IDWiseModule } = NativeModules;

Initializing the SDK

In order to use the SDK, we need to initialize it first with the <CLIENT_KEY> provided by IDWise. You can pre-load this on componentDidMount() if you want to. Here is how we can initialize the SDK.

IDWiseModule.initialize("<CLIENT_KEY>", theme);

Starting the Journey

Now we can start the verfication journey by calling startJourney(..) of the SDK like below. This will start the verification process and that’s it.


Events (Callbacks)

Throughout the journey, IDWise SDK sends back some events to your app. Here are examples how to listen to these events:

These are the supported events:

  • onJourneyStarted: Triggered when the journey is started and the Journey ID is assigned.
  • onJourneyFinished: Triggered when the journey is completed by the user.
  • onJourneyCancelled: Triggered when the user cancels the journey and doesn’t finish it.
  • onJourneyResumed: Triggered when an existing journey is resumed.
  • onError: Triggered when an error occurs for example a network connectivity error and lack of permission to access the camera.

useEffect(() => {
  const eventEmitter = new NativeEventEmitter(NativeModules.IDWiseModule);

  eventEmitter.addListener("onError", (event) => {
      `An Error has occured  ${event.errorCode} : ${event.errorMessage}`

  eventEmitter.addListener("onJourneyStarted", (event) => {
    console.log(`Journey Started with id ${event.journeyId}`);

  eventEmitter.addListener('onJourneyResumed', event => {
    console.log(`Journey Resumed with id ${event.journeyId}`);

  eventEmitter.addListener("onJourneyFinished", (event) => {
    console.log(`Journey Completed with id ${event.journeyId}`);

  eventEmitter.addListener("onJourneyCancelled", (event) => {
    console.log(`Journey Cancelled with id ${event.journeyId}`);
}, []);

Sample Project

You can find the Sample Project for sample code for React-Native Integration.