IDWise Smart Onboarding SDK for iOS
Table of contents
This git repository contains the official IDWise SDK meant to be used in iOS applications. This README contains all the needed information to test and integrate the IDWise SDK in your project.
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Xcode Supported Version
IDWise SDK always supports latest Xcode version only. The current latest release of IDWise SDK supports below Xcode versions.
Xcode | SDK |
14.3 | 4.1.6 |
Integration Video
Get integrated quickly by watching a 4 minutes video:
The minimum deployment target for IDWiseSDK is iOS 12.0. In order to use the SDK your application minimum deployment target should be iOS 12.0 or higher. On your development machine you need to have XCode and CocoaPods installed. Both Intel and M1 (Apple Sillicon) based machines are supported. When working with Cocoapods you might have to run some commands through Rosetta Stone compatibility mode.
IDWiseSDK is available to install via CocoaPods package manager from IDWise private Cocoapods repository. To add IDWise SDK to your project, first ensure you have these two lines at the top of your Podfile file:
source ''
source ''
This adds IDWise private Cocoapods repository as a source to install packages from
Next add this line also to your Podfile but this time underneath your target
node for your project:
pod 'IDWise'
Also, add this configuration underneath your target
node for your project:
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED'] = 'NO'
You can have a look at the example Podfile
provided in the root of this repository to see an example Podfile
with both the changes above completed
After adding our dependency in your Podfile run:
pod install
Modular Approach ( Local Development Pods)
If you’re using modular approach and want to use IDWise SDK inside your local development pod only, then you need to do add following configuration to your local pod’s podspec file.
spec.xcconfig = { 'USER_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' => '$(inherited) "${PODS_CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR}/ExampleModule/ExampleModule.framework/Headers" "${PODS_CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR}/GTMSessionFetcher/GTMSessionFetcher.framework/Headers" "${PODS_CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR}/GoogleDataTransport/GoogleDataTransport.framework/Headers" "${PODS_CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR}/GoogleToolboxForMac/GoogleToolboxForMac.framework/Headers" "${PODS_CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR}/GoogleUtilities/GoogleUtilities.framework/Headers" "${PODS_CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR}/GoogleUtilitiesComponents/GoogleUtilitiesComponents.framework/Headers" "${PODS_CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR}/PromisesObjC/FBLPromises.framework/Headers" "${PODS_CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR}/Protobuf/Protobuf.framework/Headers" "${PODS_CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR}/nanopb/nanopb.framework/Headers" "${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Public" "${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Public/GoogleMLKit" $(inherited) ${PODS_ROOT}/GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore/Sources' }
Invoking IDWise SDK is very simple. First import IDWise package in your code file:
import IDWise
Starting a user journey
IDWise SDK is designed to start on top of a UIViewController in your application. Each user onboarding or verification transaction is named a user journey.
To start a new journey just provide the UIViewController from which you want the flow to start then call IDWiseSDK.initialize
method first with your provided client key and then you can call IDWise.startJourney
method. If initialization is failed for any reason, you will get an error object with a code and a message explaining the reason of the error. In the following example, we called initialize method and then called startJourney method.
The IDWiseSDK.initialize method accepts clientKey and theme as It’s parameters.The theme parameter is for specifying the theme (dark or light). If you want the SDK to be in the same theme mode as set in system display settings, you need to pass IDWiseSDKTheme.systemDefault
. However, if the OS is in dark mode and you want the SDK to be in light mode (or vice versa), you can pass the appropriate value for the theme parameter.
Possible values for the theme parameter include IDWiseSDKTheme.light
and IDWiseSDKTheme.systemDefault
IDWiseSDKTheme.light // to specify light theme mode for SDK
IDWiseSDKTheme.dark // to specify dark theme mode for SDK
IDWiseSDKTheme.systemDefault // to specify the same theme as of operating system
IDWise.initialize(clientKey: "<YOUR_CLIENT_KEY>",theme: .systemDefault) { err in
// Deal with error here
if let error = err {
// handle error, show some alert or any other logic
IDWise.startJourney(journeyDefinitionId: "<YOUR_CUSTOMER_ID>", referenceNumber: "<YOUR_REFERENCE_NO>", locale: "en", journeyDelegate: self)
This will make IDWise SDK show a UI with a wizard to guide the user through completing the onboarding journey
method takes two parameters:
: Specifies the journey definition (aka template) to base this new journey on. Journey definitions are created based on your requirements and specify what documents and biometrics to collect from the user and in what order. JourneyDefinitionId is shared with you by IDWise team as part of your use-case and requirements discussions.referenceNo
: A custom identifier to associate with this journey to enable you to link it back easily or associate it with a user on your system.locale
: Language code of the language to be used to display the journey user interface. This is either an ISO 639-1 (2-letter for example en) or IETF BCP 47 (2-letter plus extended language specified for example zh-HK or zh-CN)journeyDelegate
: This parameter is used to provide a set of event handlers to handle the different events that are triggered from IDWise SDK. These events indicate the lifetime of a journey and provide oppurtunity for your application to react to certain events.
For example we can implement the protocol ‘IDWiseSDKJourneyDelegate’ as an extension on the ViewController like so:
extension ViewController:IDWiseSDKJourneyDelegate {
func onError(error: IDWiseSDKError) {
func JourneyCancelled() {
func JourneyStarted(journeyID: String) {
func onJourneyResumed(journeyID: String) {
func JourneyFinished() {
- JourneyStarted: Triggered when the journey is started and the Journey ID is assigned.
- JourneyFinished: Triggered when the journey is completed by the user.
- JourneyCancelled: Triggered when the user cancels the journey and doesn’t finish it.
- onJourneyResumed: Triggered when an existing journey is resumed.
- onError: Triggered when an error occurs for example a network connectivity error and lack of permission to access the camera.
When the journey is started it is assigned a unique id called Journey ID in IDWise system and this is provided as a parameter, journeyID
with the triggering of JourneyStarted
event. This identifier can be used to fetch the data and status of the journey from IDWise Journey Fetch API once you get the webhook call to your backend.
The steps that compose part of the journey and the prompts that user see are all cutomisable through IDWise cloud system.
Code Example
Please find the following example
for an XCode project that showcases the integration with IDWise iOS Framework.
Advanced Dynamic Journey Mode
In some scenarios, your use case might require more flexibility and control over the user journey flow and full control over the user interface / UX above and beyond the wide range of customisations we offer and more than the above sequential flow which simplifies integration, we are introducing: the Advanced Dynamic Journey
mode, to both of our Android and iOS SDKs to cover some edge advanced use-cases.
From experience, the above simple integration should cover the vast majority of use cases, and allow for a good degree of customisation for the steps and for the UI/UX from the IDWise backend (which applies instantly without the need to update the host app).
If you believe that the simple integration still doesn’t cover your use-case, you can find the documentation for this new mode here: Advanced Dynamic Journey